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Authorisation to process personal data. Regarding the personal data you provided by filling out this form, the data is collected exclusively for requests for sales information, services and/or assistance. Said data will be processed using IT equipment and considered useful for setting up and carrying out our business relationship. You will be able to consult, request modification of and/or delete your data at any time and at no cost, simply by writing to: for the attention of the Personal Data Processing Manager. Read our Infro Privacy & Cookie Law

REA PG- 239772
Agente Imm. N.1156

Umbria Verde di Santinacci Chiara
Legal Headquarter: Piazza Giacomo Matteotti 19
06019 - Umbertide (PG) - Italy
P.IVA: 02766910547

+39 348 24 28 735
+39 338 94 96 325
+39 075 94 13 136